Hello, newcomers in the world of modern technology! I think that each of you at least once heard the words “HTML and CSS” and understand them as one whole. Of course, without these programming technologies, it might not exist, because they are fundamental to web development. The specialists who work with these technologies implement a huge amount of work, but you need to know the difference between them. This article which is called ‘What Are The Basic Differences In HTML And CSS Developer’ focuses on explaining the difference between the two technologies and the relationship between the specialists who work with them. Let’s start from the beginning!
In order to understand what is the basic difference between CSS and HTML developers, you need to understand what CSS is, and what is HTML, and what they are created for. The abbreviation CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is a technology for managing the design of a web page, it provides many possibilities for describing the appearance of a page, and also allows you to significantly simplify the appearance of an HTML page by transferring the design for page elements to a CSS file. CSS makes it possible to use one design for an unlimited number of HTML page elements. This allows all pages that use one class for design, to change the design on all pages of the site, changing it once in the CSS file, this is very convenient if the site has more than 50 pages, you do not need to change the design of the element in each of them. What is HTML then? HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and is the standard markup language for HTML documents. Hypertext Markup Language is used directly to structure the content of an HTML page. With its help, you can create tables, design them, create designs for texts and hypertext documents. HTML pages without CSS become complex and confusing, as the design for each element is rewritten, which significantly increases the volume of text. For example, there is an HTML page that contains 3 parts of the text that need to be styled the same (size, color), but it is impossible to use HTML tags to design all three parts at once since these fragments are located in different places on the HTML page. To design such texts, it will be necessary to use the code each time, for each fragment separately. When using CSS, we will once create the design for the class, and then in the code of the HTML page, we will simply assign this class to each of the three fragments. Now the HTML code will now look less voluminous, right? By changing only one CSS element, we can change the design of all pages of the site at once.
And these pages can be thousands in one project. And so, you have to separate two concepts: HTML is the language in which a web page is created, and CSS is a technology for managing the design of this web page. From the point of view of page design, CSS is more convenient than writing the layout in HTML, because it allows you to achieve a significant reduction in the size of the code and set the design for multiple pages at once.
From the above, we can conclude that developers have different responsibilities because these technologies are designed for different things. Let’s move on to considering the responsibilities of the CSS and HTML developer.
CSS developers use cascading style sheets to determine how an element should appear on a page. As a basic example, CSS adds a background to the heading and changes the color and border for the paragraph. Such a developer should be able to use the capabilities of the CSS at 100%: cascading style sheets determine the arrangement of elements relative to each other, create full-fledged animation, and even allow the page to be adapted to viewing conditions, for example, to bright light.
As for the HTML developer, he uses the Hyper Text Markup Language technology to markup web pages. It is needed by browsers that convert hypertext and display the page in a user-friendly format. HTML shows the browser where the heading is and where the paragraph is, but real web pages contain many more elements. In simple words, the HTML developer is responsible for the site skeleton, and the CSS for its design. Links, tables, images, blocks, paragraphs, forms, headers, and so on can be written in the site framework. But since HTML does not have the ability to change the appearance of the site, the CSS comes to the rescue. It can change the color, change the font, and much more.
But in the modern IT world, almost no one separates such specialists and calls them “front-end developer” or “web developer”. However, I do not think that such a name is correctly applied to people who create a web page skeleton and change its design. A front-end developer is a specialist who not only designs but also programs web pages or creates full-fledged front-end applications. He must be proficient not only in HTML and CSS but also in JavaScript. A web developer is an even broader concept since front-end and back-end developers are involved in web development. Backend specialists work with PHP, Python, Java, JavaScript and other programming languages. People who do the front and back end at the same time are called full-stack developers. It is almost impossible to work in web development without understanding the principles of HTML and CSS.
As you may have noticed from the article ‘What Are The Basic Differences In HTML And CSS Developer’, the modern IT world may not separate these specialists, because there are developers who work with two technologies. But knowing the principles of work of the CSS and HTML, as well as the difference in their functions, the responsibilities of such developers become clear. Thanks for reading. Hope it was interesting and useful for you!