Technology Predictions For 2021-2029

Technology prediction for 2021-2029

Technology prediction for 2021-2029

And there it goes. Without eating or drinking it, the 2010-2019 decade is over and we are fully entering the 2020-2029 decade. It has been a very busy decade in the world of technology, a sector that has exploded in all its areas and that has left us with great inventions that have become part of our day to day. But it’s a thing of the past, so don’t look to the future. And that is precisely what we have done on this occasion.

We have asked all Xataka editors for their technological predictions for the next decade, whether in terms of devices, specific technologies, networks, advances in platforms, vehicles, etc. Of course, peoples start more focus on their home security and it is an article open to the community, so first of all we invite you to leave us your predictions in the comments. With that said, we get started.

Enrique Perez: everything will be connected

Everything will be connected. These years we have seen the first “smart” devices, but it is only the beginning of what I think awaits us. Washing machine, fridge, oven, toothbrush, microwave, bed, lamp, car, glasses… the big manufacturers have been creating their ecosystems and technology already allows all kinds of products to be connected without the high cost. I think that in the following years this trend will continue to such an extent that non-smart objects will be seen as old phones; a rarity. A transition that at first will have little justification, since these objects will probably only allow us to perform a couple of useful actions but will give a twist to how we connect with our environment.

When it comes to standards, the big manufacturers will find that they can’t fight each other at all levels. Users will choose each brand for its services, prices, designs and options, as before, but I believe that at its core they will be based on open solutions, broad standards and compatible technologies with each other. Whether it is to offer a better image of privacy, to make things easier for the user, or to avoid interference, wars and fines from the states, I believe that in the future the idea of ​​an exclusive ecosystem will only be on the surface, but deep down it will bet on unify root technology. In the style of what we have seen in projects such as’ Data Transfer ‘to pass images or’ Project Connected Home over IP’for home automation.

- Enrique Pérez, Editor at Xataka .

Javier Pastor: default streaming

We have already lived through a good part of the 2010s, but I would say that basically any content and service that can be consumed and used by streaming will be. Music and movies have brought about great revolutions in this field in recent years, and everything indicates that the next to suffer this revolution will be video games.

It is something that will be even more evident if we take into account that mobile networks – with 5G connectivity per flag – will offer more and better capabilities in this regard than ever, and by then they may be accompanied by those satellite connections that SpaceX already projects, for example. Be that as it may, the hardware and software will be more than ever prepared so that we don’t have to depend a lot (or almost nothing) on ​​the gadget at our end, which will suddenly become a “dumb client” that won’t do much more than broadcast what is sent to us from an increasingly powerful cloud.

This raises many debates and reflections, but one of the most interesting is the one that arises when talking about the concept of property. Before, we bought music CDs or movie DVDs: we owned what we heard and saw. Now not anymore: we only rent it to be able to enjoy that content while we pay for the service. I wonder if the concept of ownership of these contents will remain as something residual or will end up being rescued and -maybe- it will end up being almost an option of the elites, those who can pay for the right to own something permanently. It seems early for that to happen, of course.

Eva Rodríguez de Luis: the democratization of smart appliances

The turn of the decade is conducive to recapitulating what happened and predicting what will come. Technologically speaking, I believe that we are facing ten exciting years and a technological revolution, that of electric vehicles in traditional car format, but also as urban transport par excellence.

It may not have as much punch as transportation, but home automation is one of those fruits that is about to fall from the tree. This decade has been that of the attendees, who will continue to learn and improve, but also that of the speakers, lights, plugs, and sensors. This option will continue to reach the homes and you can also hire technician for your house, of the most diverse profiles – not just techies – but the best thing is that the talking refrigerators, ovens and washing machines are here to stay. And that’s my prediction: to go from a talking refrigerator being a curiosity at CES to that in ten years, we will find it in most homes. This decade is one of the democratization of smart appliances.

- Eva Rodríguez de Luuis, Editor at Xataka .

Antonio Ortiz: a setting with much less privacy

With the emergence of 5G with everything connected, biometrics, computing capacity, and AI techniques (image recognition, natural language processing, predictability) and the trend towards digital payment versus cash we have a scenario of much less privacy.

It is difficult to assess whether this has more power than we will end up avoiding by way of putting limits on companies and states, whether we will have a stronger reaction than the current of opinion that worries about the effects of social networks and the Internet advertising and whether companies that now position themselves as pro-privacy will continue like this. It is easier to ensure that the state of the art technology would allow an end to privacy as we are born in the twentieth century knew it.

- Antonio Ortiz, Editorial Director at Webedia Spain.

Ivan Ramírez: folding screens and the future of Android

In 2009 mobiles were small and full of keys and ten years later they are big and with fewer and fewer buttons. It is difficult to predict what will happen to mobile phones in 10 years, although in my opinion, the trend will continue to be supported by the improvement of folding screens and the integration of everything under the screen. We will have mobile phones between 7 and 8 inches that fold in half to store in your pocket.

Being optimistic, the mobile of the future could become simply an interface connected by streaming to remote processing, thus being able to partly solve the problem of the miniaturization of the components and overheating, by not needing a large battery for large processing. After all, by 2030 we should be fully on 6G or even 7G, and latency is probably a thing of the past.

As for Android, by 2030 and one letter per year, Google will have run out of letters for Android 21, if the open-source operating system survives ten more years. It is foreseeable that Google will continue to collect periodic fines for Android over the next decade, and also that at some point it decides to start from scratch on another operating system instead of continuing to prop up the Android built with the heart of Java.

This sounds like Fuchsia OS, and the shots will probably go around for at least half the decade to come. For the second half, I see more likely that Android is Google and the mobile is not much smarter than a TV: your mobile does not connect to the cloud, it lives in the cloud and all applications are run remotely.

- Iván Ramírez, Editor at Xataka Móvil and Xataka Android.

Antonio Sabán: the arrival of connected glasses

Looking ahead to the next decade, I think for sure there will be a lot of innovation that we can’t imagine yet. However, I believe that, as has happened in this one that we dismissed with smartphones or tablets, which were born early in the previous decade and have matured later, the “20s” are going to be marked by the maturity of technologies such as smart glasses.

We tend to talk about folding screens, and I’m sure they are going to play a big role in the years to come, but I think the future is going not to have to look at a screen, but to a device that can make everything much bigger and integrated with our vision such as glasses. I think that until we see what Apple presents (or another great company in a decisive way) we will not be able to see how the technology that we met with Google Glass has evolved, but I have no doubt that the future passes by saying goodbye to so many panels.

- Antonio Sabán, Director at Genbeta .

Anna Martí: convertibles, more integrated social networks, and autonomous cars

I don’t think we see trans people from ‘Years and Years’, but we do see that we’re essentially more trans. That everything digital is even more integrated in our day to day especially for devices with the integrated voice assistant. I do not believe that the legislation becomes so firm with privacy that there are prohibitions, but quite the opposite, I believe that social networks will be much more integrated into our sessions (in all its areas) and that we will resort more to our respective ” Signor ”to ask you to share that funny thing that our cat has done (with its filters and stickers, that will not change) or even going further: that we allow the algorithms that this happens automatically when generating content (and that the devices have learned to generate “emotions” when posting).

Customs will change and hardware will change a lot. In the last decade, we have seen the miniaturization of components and motherboards with integrations that twenty years ago were perhaps unthinkable, and with smartphones with processors as powerful as there are now, I think we will see convertible devices (such as Surface ) that are as light as they are powerful. I’m not talking about the post-PC era, but rather the slim-PC era if you want to call it something. You can visit here for more information related to motherboard.

I can’t leave without talking about cell phones and cameras, my babies, my passions. I think that the sensors will finally grow in size, that full-frame mirrorless will be common and that mobile phones will continue to be around 8 millimeters thick in favor of (lithium) batteries and decent photographic schemes. In this regard, I do not think that the folding form factor will prevail (there will be more, but I doubt that they will be a majority) or that we can forget about lithium.

What about autonomous cars? I think that at the end of the next decade they will begin to be something more common and above all allowed, but I do not see it in the short or medium term. What I do believe is that electricity will be normalized, that in the end, it will be convenient for governments and industries somewhere, and that with that (because the technology is already mature, in the absence of improving autonomy) they will compensate us for more cases of use.

- Anna Martí, Editor at Xataka .

Jose García: artificial intelligence in everyday life and streaming video games

The next decade will be marked by two things: artificial intelligence and video game streaming. When it comes to artificial intelligence, I have no doubt that when we get to 2029 it will be customary to speak with a voice assistant fluently as science fiction movies have shown countless times. Home automation will be one of the main sectors in which AI will become strong, but I have no doubt that it will end up being applied almost by default to countless sectors.

On the other hand, I think that Google Stadia has set the path of what awaits us in the video game sector. As is currently the case with music and films, I don’t think the physical format will disappear, although I do see it relegated to special or collector’s editions for most fans. Streaming will prevail in video games, ergo subscriptions, and that will democratize access, but I also think that it will further fragment a sector that, until now, has been relatively compact.

- Jose García, Editor at Xataka .

Ricardo Aguilar: better mobile cameras and electrification

It is quite difficult to predict what will happen 10 years in the future since, honestly, I believe that we are not even able to imagine what we will have in hand. Speaking of my territory, mobile, I am convinced that there will be a complete change of format. I do not know if the folding is the future (as they are raising concepts right now, no), but I do not think that the “Chaco” of more than six inches that is now a new standard has many years of life. Similarly, advances on camera I can’t even imagine, taking into account the very high quality that there is today, thanks mainly to Google and Apple. I also want to think that the batteries will last a lot longer thanks to a change in materials and that the connection speeds improve, with ups and downs of heart attack (10 years ago we were just downloading at a few megabytes per second).

Another issue that worries me is the electrification of vehicles. In an inevitable leap, but it is not clear to me that the plug-in hybrid (a proposal that is becoming so standardized) is the solution, especially in times when young people seem to flee from private property and are not in a position to do the electrical installation to plugging in at home or looking for charging points and use different techniques for rest. It remains to be seen what happens to mobility if we will end with diesel if all fleets will be electric, and a great forgotten here: motorcycles. What seems like a mature technology in cars on motorcycles is still, as it says, in its infancy. Although, luckily for bikers, the emissions gun is not yet aimed at these vehicles.

- Ricardo Aguilar, Editor at Xataka Móvil and Xataka Android .

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Laura Sacristán: consolidation of 5G and autonomous vehicles

I prefer to divide my predictions for the next decade between those that I think we will see in the short term and those that may take a little longer. In the first group, it would encompass the consolidation of three things that we have seen take off in 2019: folding screens, 5G, and video game streaming services such as Stadia and Apple Arcade. The latter, I think, will end up eating the physical consoles. I also advocate for the disappearance of traditional DTT in favor of VoD services.

In the second group, that of technologies and advances that we will see later in the decade, I think there will be autonomous vehicles and flying taxis. It is something that seems very futuristic, but we have already begun to see some evidence. Also, I think that over the next ten years, we will all end up with chips hidden under our skin that, for example, contain our medical data.

- Laura Sacristán, Editor at Xataka Móvil and Xataka Android .

Juan Carlos López: MicroLED technology and nuclear fusion

I am convinced that the decade that we are about to begin will bring us strong emotions. We know that there are very promising technologies that will arrive safely in the coming years, although there is some uncertainty about when they will finally explode. Two of the ones that excite me the most are HDMI 2.1 and MicroLED, both applied to the world of televisions.

Regarding the first, I am convinced that all the important brands will bet on it with resounding in the televisions that will arrive in 2020, so it is about to fall. However, while we are likely to see some foray before, I think the first MicroLED TVs with a really popular calling won’t arrive until 2022 or 2023.

The two technologies that I just talked about do not leave much room for speculation because they are very tangible, especially HDMI 2.1, and it is not at all risky to say that they will “explode” relatively soon. However, I am also very excited about two much more “ethereal” innovations, to define them in some way. And it is that entering them, unlike what happens with the previous two, leaves a very important margin for uncertainty.´

One of them, the closest to the ordinary user, is the evolution that artificial intelligence integrated into consumer devices, such as smartphones or smart speakers, will experience over the next decade. I am convinced that by the end of the next decade we will be able to have a relatively fluid conversation with these AIs, which will allow us to interact with them with much greater flexibility than what they currently propose. That of being forced to memorize specific guidelines will end if we want them to correctly interpret our requests. Peoples are more focusing in trending sales, Fortunately.

I have left for last the innovation that excites me the most because of the enormous impact it will have on all of humanity. And all over the planet. Nuclear fusion. By the end of the decade that we are about to begin commercial application of this technology it will still be a long way off (we will probably have to wait until the middle of the century to witness the construction of the first commercial nuclear fusion reactors), but before 2029 ITER, the nuclear fusion reactor being built by an international consortium in Cadarache, France, should be able to confine and successfully stabilize the plasma. And this milestone will represent a monumental leap towards that commercial nuclear fusion that could solve our energy needs in one fell swoop and that will help us to permanently end the emission of greenhouse gases.

- Juan Carlos López, Editor at Xataka .

Samuel Fernández: virtual assistants who will understand natural language

Looking at the evolution of the markets in recent years, I do not expect that we have ten years insight of into the arrival of flying cars, flying skateboards, or 3D holograms that rip your head off the movie posters.

I do think that virtual assistants perfectly understand natural language and have so many tools installed that allow us to do practically everything. Those of now is only a sample, but they have to explode in conditions, and I believe that it is the next great revolution that we will experience.

- Samuel Fernández, Editor at Xataka Móvil and Xataka Android .

Amparo Babiloni: what is there now, but better and without major changes

I’m going to be a bit of a killjoy, but I don’t think we’ll see any technological revolutions in this decade, at least not at the level of what the first iPhone was. What we are going to see is how the technology we have today grows and improves. Voice assistants will be more useful, mobile cameras will take better photos, connections will be faster, and smart devices will be even smarter.

I do believe that there are going to be great advances, but the foundations of technology are already well established and I doubt very much that inventions will arrive that will radically change our lives, but that the changes will be rather gradual. For example, in the next decade, we will see more folding mobiles, but most will remain rectangular. Autonomous driving will improve, but most of us will still have cars to drive. Oh, and graphene is going to remain very expensive and very difficult to mass-manufacture.

- Amparo Babiloni, Director at Xataka Móvil and Xataka Android .

John Tones: return to the physical … and disintegration of the physical

I see two trends in the world of entertainment and consumption of culture that might seem the opposite, but that I would like to understand as complementary. On the one hand, the total disappearance of superfluous physical supports. We may see how in some sectors such as music and cinema, the daily use of physical media is going to disappear. The speed of the networks and the power of the domestic reproduction devices is going to multiply until we can use televisions and music equipment (let’s also understand them as, simply, sophisticated speakers and come to more) completely dispensing with all kinds of physical media. It is not difficult to predict the disappearance of Blu-Ray and CD players, which in many houses are already heirlooms, and certainly are for younger generations. In videogames, it may be that in the medium term (it is seen that in the short term, it is not possible), the streaming game may eat it all, perhaps with television itself as the center and unifying systems based on differentiated subscriptions.

I would like to think that this does not imply the disappearance of all physical entertainment formats, and curiously, I think the model is in a medium that resists dying, books, and in another that points in a possible direction, vinyl records. . I think that physical support will be increasingly valued as a testimony of what we like and enjoy, and perhaps we will invest more money in fewer differentiated products. That is, we will stop having hundreds of books and will have only a few dozen, but they will be editions that we will treasure by restoring value to the physical, which is now a kind of refusing to get rid of outdated formats out of nostalgia. With the discs, it is being seen and also with the DVD, where there is still a lot for the streaming catalogs to cover the immensity of what is published in physical form. I believe that the disappearance of these will go hand in hand with a revaluation of certain essential uses of the physical.

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