Cloud computing is a storage system that allows us to save data on external servers and have access to them from anywhere with an Internet connection and from any type of device. There are many types of cloud computing, and the private cloud is one of them. Therefore, we are going to tell you everything you need to know about the private cloud for your business.
What is the private cloud?
It is a cloud computing model intended for use by a specific company. Unlike in the public cloud, the servers that store the information are owned by the customer and not by the service provider. The private cloud is currently the alternative that offers greater security and control to companies in terms of data storage.
Advantages of the private cloud
The private cloud was born as a solution for those small or medium-sized companies whose needs do not adjust to the high budgets offered by service providers in the public cloud. However, this cloud computing model offers many advantages that go beyond its cost:
– The private cloud represents a very important capital cost saving, since it allows to reduce the total number of servers.
– Because it is a model designed for the exclusive use of a single company, the service is configured according to the needs of the business, which allows the user to have greater control and a tailored network.
– The private cloud, such as the one provided by offers restricted access resources and other techniques that the customer can use to increase their security and privacy.
– The applications work at all times and allows the distribution of available resources in real time, which increases reliability in this type of cloud computing.
– As its name implies, the private cloud is designed according to the services that the company needs, therefore, it is more personalized, which facilitates its management and control.
– The private cloud can encompass, in one place, all the processes, services and applications of the IT department, which facilitates the performance of the workers and their proactivity.
– It reduces operational costs, as it allows the company to stop spending on equipment, electricity and hardware maintenance.
Disadvantages of the private cloud
Clouds, private or public, suggest management tasks that must be carried out correctly to preserve their functioning. This maintenance, in public clouds, is usually carried out, for the most part, by the service provider, who has all the necessary resources to keep the cloud up to date.
One of the disadvantages of the private cloud is that said maintenance is in charge of the company, which must allocate a significant amount of capital to acquire all the necessary resources that allow it to start up the cloud, maintain it and update it whenever necessary.
That said, it is necessary for the company, before betting on the private cloud, to carry out a comparative analysis between the expenses incurred in maintaining its current technological structure and the total cost of investing in cloud computing. The private cloud may be more expensive, but you have to consider the long-term savings in hardware and productivity. For many, managing the private cloud can be a major disadvantage, yet IT department innovation should never be a chore.