Improving The Safety Within Your Manufacturing Business: 3 Steps



It is no secret that the manufacturing industry is one of the most dangerous industries to work in. There are often large items of machinery and robots in use as well as handheld tools and equipment that if misused or abused can result in horrific injuries and even loss of life.

It is, therefore, highly important that you look after your workers and make sure that they are well trained in the equipment, tools, or machinery that you are asking them to use, and that you have procedures in place so that should any incident happen, the correct action will be taken quickly.

Step 1: Keep areas clean and tidy

It is important that you keep working areas as well as communal areas clean and tidy. There are a lot of accidents that happen in the place of work due to trips and falls which can be prevented by your workers having a bit of care and some time to tidy up after themselves.

Using the services of cleaners to clear walkways of debris and providing plenty of bins for your employees to use is a good enough start but you will also have to make sure that you give your workers plenty of time at the end of the working day or the end of shift to clean down their working area so that it is clean, tidy and ready for use for the next working period.

Step 2: Look at manual handling

Incorrect manual handling can create lasting injuries for your workers, it is therefore important that you provide training in how to lift and carry items around your manufacturing site. Where possible you should provide the right equipment to help your employees lift and move items around your site.

These items of equipment can be machineries such as pump trucks or even conveyor belts. Using conveyor belts to move items from A to B around your site is a very good idea as it will reduce the need for the items to be lifted by employees down to a total minimum, and by investing in good quality conveyor belts from businesses such as fluent conveyors, you will find that they not only supply and fit conveyors but also help design and provide replacement parts should you require them in the future to keep your conveyor belt running at its best and safest.

Step 3: Address your storage options

It is important that you address your storage options. Employees should not be expected to retrieve items from shelves above head height as this could result in items falling onto the head and shoulders of the employee.

It is therefore a good idea that you have limitations on how high the shelving on your factory floor goes and leave bigger, heavier items in your store for your warehouse operatives to distribute using the machinery that they have been trained on.

It is also a good idea that you only supply the minimal amount to your factory floor storage; this is so that you do not clog up your storage areas with unnecessary items that could cause a hindrance to your workers and that every box or storage bay is well marked with the item that it contains.

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