Definitive Guide to Finding Images for Blog Posts



You can’t get away from using images in your marketing. According to IPSOS research, 71% of world web users share content online, and 43% of this is an image search. In other words, the idea is the most shared online content item and we not only talked about memes. Regardless of its use as an illustration the image has so much to do with blog posts as they can:

  • Attract readers
  • Quickly describe the benefits of your product
  • The users are directed to the right content
  • Make your site more credible
  • Convey emotions and make your readers also feel it

Image search shows that in 2009, nearly 6% of all searches on Google are related to images. Fast forward until 2013, and 100 billion photos are arrested and posted online. With all the competitions for the customer’s eyes, getting the right picture is very important. That’s why every picture must pack a significant punch.

Helps Find Licensing

Then there are questions about licenses – how do you choose between public domains, free royalties, and creative commons images? No wonder marketers spend so much time looking for perfect photos for their content marketing needs.

This guide about photo search will help eliminate the requirements of finding images and provide some useful resources. To help you find, choose, and use the perfect idea to improve your marketing strategies by brainstorming. Use this same skill to find good pictures.

Understand the Image License

Image licensing can be a minefield. Suppose you do not want to risk a lawsuit. Try not accidentally violating someone’s copyright when you post images to your blog or use one in your other marketing.

But one thing that has changed is the way we do an image search. And that’s where you spend time thinking about what you want and the type of keywords that will help you find it paid. Think of this as similar to the way you are looking for information on search engines.

Reverse Images Search for Free

You can also narrow your search with an online reverse image search tool such as Web-based utility that helps you to find related images in just one click. You just have to upload a sample image and click on the *Find similar images* button. As well as you can also find images with an image URL or by entering Keywords. This can help you avoid the cardinal sin of using images that are already related to other people’s content or brands.

There are four categories you need to image search for: Rights-managed, free royalties, public domains, and creative commons. Let’s see what this means in more detail.

Images managed by rights

“Managed rights” are terms used in the stock photography industry—images managed by rights available from several largest image license sites, such as Getty Images and Corbis. You can do an image search here as well.

When you get a picture managed by rights, you usually buy a single-user license for the image and must decide on the face of how you will use it. So, if you use pictures managed by rights in blog posts and then choose to change the blog post to ebook, infographic, or presentation, you will need an additional license for each use.

Royalty-Free Images

Royalty-free images are available from sites such as Shutterstock, Istockphoto, and many others. When it comes to royalty-free images, the term “free” is misleading because royalty-free images are not free.

As explained in the last section, you buy a license to image search and specific periods with images managed by rights. With royalty-free images, there is no limit like that. You don’t have the right to edit photos or sell them back, but besides that, you can use them pretty much as you want.

Public domain image

Picture of the public domain is a very friendly blogger. You can use an image search for the public domain without limitation and without needing to ask permission. Even though the Harvard Law School library recommends that you still give attribution what is essential for bloggers and marketers to determine whether the image they want to use is actually in the public domain.

Public domain images are the ones where:

  • Intellectual property rights have expired or
  • Creator has released intellectual property rights.

Get your hands on Creative Pictures

Most marketers realize the creative commons image. Creative Commons means that the creator of an image has given people the right to image search, share, use, or build what they have made. The advantage of creative Images is that they are free to use and available. There are millions of photos ready and waiting for use in blog posts and other creative projects.

In the End

In one way, selecting images for publications does not change much from the days when they are only to print. Now, like that, you have a descriptive image choice that precisely reflects the person or concept being discussed or conceptual image.

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